What You Need To Know
We look forward to the opportunity to be a part of your child’s early learning experiences. Please read the information below about our program and phone or email with any questions. Thank you for considering Le Petit Monde Préscolaire!
Potty Trained
All children who attend our preschool must be completely independent in the bathroom. The preschool staff will not be assisting the children in the bathroom; however, they will assist with snaps and buttons.
Preschool staff will not administer any medication (prescription or over the counter), except during specific emergency situations:
- Anaphylactic allergic reactions
- Severe asthma attacks
- Emergent diabetic blood sugar regulation
Medications for the above conditions must be provided directly to the staff. Written instructions for administration of medication must be completed and signed by the child’s family and physician.
What You Need To Bring
School Supplies
Each student will need to bring the items listed below. Clearly label all items with your child’s name.
- A pair of clean, non-marking running shoes that will remain at the preschool. Please ensure shoes are free of laces unless child can tie them independently.
- One large box of tissues.
- A backpack large enough to hold a change of clothing, ski pants and snack.
- A full change of clothing (or two) sent daily in the child’s backpack.
- A healthy snack and water bottle sent daily in the child’s backpack.
Snacks and Treats
Class Treats
Families may wish to bring treats for the class to celebrate their child’s birthday or other special days. Please make arrangements with the teacher to discuss class allergies.
Late Fees
1st Instance $1-$2/min
$1.00 per minute for the first 10 minutes, $2.00 per minute after 10 minutes
2nd Instance $1-$2/min
$1.00 per minute for the first 10 minutes, $2.00 per minute after 10 minutes
3rd Instance $3/min
4th Instance $3/min
5th Instance $5/min
6th Instance $5/min
7th Instance Student Expulsion
Late pickup fees must be paid in full within one week, to be adjusted for holidays as deemed necessary by the teachers when issuing the late fee notice.
Late fees unpaid by the deadline will be charged a $10.00 processing fee. Late fees remaining unpaid 30 days from the late fee notice will result in the child not being allowed to return to school until fees are paid. Fees unpaid at the end of the following month will result in the child being removed from the preschool, to open up their spot to other students.
Policies & Procedures
Le Petit Monde Préscolaire Inc requires at least 30 days’ notice prior to withdrawing your child from the preschool program. This notice can either be a hand written letter that is addressed to the secretary or an email. All fees must be paid in full prior to the last day of attendance.
Each child may be released only to the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s) or adult(s) authorized by the parent(s)/guardian(s) to take the child from the Le Petit Monde Préscolaire Inc and to assume responsibility for the child in an emergency if the parent(s)/guardian(s) can’t be reached. These adults must be listed on the Pickup Consent form that is distributed at the beginning of the year. In the event, that an adult who is not on the list is required to pick up the child then a written note and/or verbal consent must be given to Le Petit Monde Préscolaire Inc authorizing the release of the child to that adult.
When bad weather occurs, the teachers will be contacted first. If both teachers can arrive safely to the preschool, then classes will proceed. If one and/or both teachers can NOT arrive safely to the preschool, then classes will be cancelled. All families will be contacted to be informed of the school closure.
Unfortunately, there are sometimes reasons we have to expel a child from our program either on the short term or permanent basis. We want you to know that we will do everything possible to work with the family of the child(ren) in order to prevent this policy from being en-forced. The following are reasons we may have to expel or suspend a child from the preschool.
Immediate Causes for Expulsion:
- The child is at risk of causing serious injury to other children or him/herself.
- Parent threatens physical or intimidating actions towards staff, students, board members and/or other adults.
- Parents exhibit verbal abuse to staff, students, board members and/or other adults.
Parental Actions for Child’s Expulsion:
- Failure to pay/habitual lateness in payments
- Failure to complete required forms.
- Habitual tardiness when picking up your child.
Child’s Actions for Expulsion:
- Failure of child to adjust after a reasonable amount of time.
- Uncontrollable tantrums/angry outbursts.
- Ongoing physical or verbal abuse to staff or other children.
- Excessive Biting
- Unable to use the washroom facilities independently.
Prior to expulsion, a parent will be called and correspondence will be sent home indicating what the problem is, and every effort will be made by the preschool and the parent to correct the problem. If, after one or two weeks, depending on the risk to the other children’s welfare of safety, behavior does not improve, and the preschool finds that they can no longer accommodate the child, the parent will be asked to remove him/her.
It is our policy to promote the use of positive discipline; the process of teaching children how to behave appropriately. This system respects the rights of the individual child, the group and the adult. Positive disciple is different from punishment. Punishment tells children what they should NOT do; positive discipline tells children what they should do. Punishment teaches fear, positive discipline teaches self esteem.
Positive discipline may be used to intervene when necessary. Our teachers will try to redirect the child to a new activity to change the focus of the child’s behavior, provide individualized attention to help the child deal with a particular situation, and provide alternative activities and acceptable ways of releasing feelings. At times, the teachers may use “time out” by removing the child from the situation for a few moments (one minute for each year of age) so that the child can gain self control. We will respond to and reinforce positive behavior by acknowledging and praising it, providing reinforcement through rewards, and using encouragement and love.
At no time will any child be subjected to any type of corporal punishment, emotional punishment, neglect, abusive language, ridicule, or humiliation. Children will never be disciplined for sleep habits, toileting accidents, food consumption, or lack of participation in activities. At all times, a child’s age, emotional state, and past experiences will be considered in discipline matters.
Due to Le Petit Monde Préscolaire Inc being located on the premises of EMBM, we are required to participate in all safety drills that they perform. These drills include but are not limited:
- Fire Drill
- Lock down/ Bomb Threat
- Tornado Safety
- Evacuation
Returning families are not required to pay membership fee for returning or subsequent children. Registration fee and membership (if applicable) due upon registration of child to reserve your spot.
Cheques can be made payable to Petit Monde Préscholaire or etransfers can be sent to treasurerpetitmonde@gmail.com (please include your child’s name and first choice of class in the comments).
Membership (one time fee)*: $5
Registration: $50
M/W/F monthly tuition: $160
T/Th monthly tuition: $130
M/T/W/Th/F monthly tuition: $275
Tuition fees are payable either in full, by setting up monthly direct debit payments, or by post-dated cheques of equal amounts for each month of the academic term (September to June, inclusive). Direct debit payment forms are available and must be delivered to the corporation before September 1st of the academic term. Post-dated cheques are to be dated the 1st day of each month and must be delivered to the corporation before September 1st of the academic term. Students may not start school unless tuition has been received in full, direct debit has been set up, or all 10 postdated cheques have been received. Please notify us immediately if banking information has changed during the school year.
Any NSF/returned payment will be charged a processing fee of $25. The outstanding tuition and processing fee must be paid in full by the end of the month in which the NSF/returned payment occurred. NSF/returned fees unpaid by the end of the month will result in the child not being allowed to return to school the following month until fees are paid. Fees remaining unpaid after 2 months will result in the child being removed from the preschool, to open up their spot to other students. A repeat occurrence of NSF/returned payments will result in the preschool requiring payment in guaranteed funds (cash, money order, etc.) to be paid before the 1st of each month. If guaranteed funds are not received before the 1st of each month the child will not be allowed to return to school until tuition has been paid in full. Tuition remaining unpaid after two months will result in the child being removed from the preschool, to open up their spot to other students.
Please note that tuition receipts will be issued in December and June of each school year. All tuition fees, including any late fees, must be up to date before tax receipts will be issued. There will be a charge of $20 if a receipt needs to be reissued.